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Dainis Medjaniks, Violin

Moritz Weigert, Cello

Asen Tanchev, Piano


Pianist Asen Tanchev and violinist Dainis Medjaniks met during their studies at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media. The two friends had already been performing successfully as a duo for some time, which gave rise to the idea of founding the Soleri Trio (originally Trio L'Ondine), which was finally joined by cellist Moritz Weigert in the summer of 2020.


Soleri stands for the musician's three places of origin: Sofia, Leipzig and Riga. The trio is united by the great desire to reflect their different backgrounds and histories in music. As very versatile and passionate instrumentalists, the trio gives them the opportunity to combine their personalities and individual ideas in a unique way within one group. In doing so, they can draw on a wealth of musical experience. As sought-after solo, chamber and orchestral musicians, they also continually find new inspiration and ideas outside the trio for their joint work. Before their performances, the process of developing a work is very crucial for them. Making music together for many years naturally always brings challenges and obstacles, of course in addition to numerous joyful and fulfilling moments on and off stage. These human nuances are of special importance to the trio and flow into their concerts: they take the listeners on a journey through their own emotional and imaginative worlds, tell of life's ups and downs and thus create a concert experience that captivates everyone.

Asen, Dainis and Moritz are always on the lookout for new ways and possibilities of expression, without neglecting the musical context for all their enthusiasm, vitality and spontaneity.


In just two years, the Soleri Trio has already won numerous prizes at renowned international competitions. These include a "Highly Commended" at the 2021 Parkhouse Award in London and 2nd prize at the International University Competition of the "Società Umanitaria" in Milan. In 2022, the Soleri Trio won 3rd prize at the International Chamber Music Competition "Franz Schubert and Modern Music" in Graz. This was followed in December of the same year by 1st prize at the International Music Competition "Premio Città di Padova" and a 3rd prize (1st prize not awarded) at the Ysaye International Music Competition in Liège.


Numerous concert appearances have taken the Soleri Trio to renowned concert halls such as the Wigmore Hall (London), the Sala "G. Verdi" (Milan) and the Izumi Hall (Osaka, Japan). Important debuts are planned for the coming season at the Teatro Comunale (Ferrara) and the Berlin Konzerthaus, among others.


Since 2022, the three musicians have been studying with the famous Artemis Quartet at the Berlin University of Arts. From 2020 to 2023, the trio was mentored by Dirk Mommertz (Fauré Quartet), Eberhard Feltz and Priya Mitchell at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich. Previously, the trio studied with Oliver Wille (Kuss Quartett) and Markus Becker at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media.


In recent years, the Soleri Trio has repeatedly received artistic impulses from leading musicians such as Günther Pichler (Alban Berg Quartet), Raphaël Merlin (Ébène Quartet), Jacques Ammon, Peter Buck (Melos Quartet), Silke Avenhaus, Kristin von der Goltz and Wen-Sinn Yang.

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